Close-Up Portraits

Beautiful, Photogenic, Crazy, Redhead, Silly, Talented
Simple, Moody, Strong, Funny, Serious, Sometimes Mature
Chaotic, Funny, Goofy, Trusting, Responsible, Happy

Advertising Photography

  1. Creatology
  2. Pipe cleaners
  3. Little Kids, Crafters, Teachers, Babysitters, and Hobbyists
  4. Michaels Magazine, JOANNs Magazine, any craft magazine or kids tv network
  5. Fill Flash and Backlighting
  6. Flowers made of Pipe Cleaners

Fill Flash

Fill Flash is when you use the flash to light the shadows when the background is brighter than the subject. This is so the whole picture is evenly exposed. If your background is more exposed than the subject, then your subject will be shadowed, and the photo won’t look good. You used the flash to expose the subject so that you can see everything in the photo without having to underexpose your background to see the subject.

My Favourite Teacher

I chose Mrs. Griffin, she is the Stage Design and Technical Theatre teacher. I chose her because she is such a great teacher. She knows how to teach her students about the shop and how to put the sets together and safely use all the tools. Mrs. Griffin has a cheerful spirit with her students, and loves to talk and joke with them.

Last year, my freshman year, Mrs. Griffin gave me the amazing opportunity to run the light board for our theatre. It’s so much fun getting to work with her. I’ve learned so much from her, about the shop and lighting. She’s taught me that in theatre we can have so much fun and joke around with each other, while still getting work done. We know how to work with each other well, so we can work through stressful situations together.

Mrs. Griffin has always been such a nice person, even before she was my teacher. Coming into Stagecraft Design my freshman year I was excited to get started, because I had talked with her over the previous summer about the class. She’s a teacher that understands, even if I’m stressed or I don’t understand something. Mrs. Griffin isn’t afraid to be straight forward with students, and tell them what to do in the shop, or if they are messing up. She always gives me the opportunity to work in the shop, and teaches me different things to improve my skills in the shop and lighting booth.

HDR Photos

Cloudy Vibes

I like the way the clouds stand out in the photo. I think the green tones on the bottom and the purple/blue on the top compliment each other. I think it looks cool how the outer parts are lighter but as it gets closer to the center of the photo, the colours get darker.